Ronzel Pretlow is a true gift to the world 🌎 A second generation minister and ascending musical savant Pretlow was born in 1977 and raised in rural Smithfield Virginia.
At the age of 22 Pretlow was chosen to lead his father’s Church. Dr. Harold Pretlow, who saw a need to push his children was chose Ronzel as Pastor. His musical gift made room for him in 2000 and the discovery of lifetime emerged through Bishop Carlton Pearson and the Azusa conference which premiered Pretlow to the world. The song called “It overflows” instantly became a favorite throughout America and over 20 years later it’s still a staple to many. Pretlow has Released his second album titled “I took the STAIRS”, a musical memoir journey of his life and an instant musical standard! An author, Pretlow wrote Emotional Health 101: “Deliver us from Crazy”, a mental health Journal on healing for the black community. He’s called upon to pray, counsel and serve the down as well as the up and out. Through his Conglomerate, Pretlow Global has a Counseling firm , evangel reach, prophetic context, and mental health felicitation for wounded persons of the African American persuasion . Now working on his second book tilted “Emotional Eco Systems…staying in your spiritual lane”!
Formally educated, Pretlow holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from Acts of Grace Bible College and a Master of Divinity degree from Norfolk Theology Seminary. He serves along with his wife Telesha H. Pretlow as Bishop of Glory Carriers Fellowship of Churches. A passionate speaker, singer and voice, Pretlow regularly, sings and lifts many souls around the country each week on his steaming platforms. He is known as the male voice like no other!
Pretlow is very happily married to Telesha and together they share four beautiful children. He serves under the blessed of his own father Dr. Harold and Mother Florine Pretlow. His mantra in life is “live on purpose”!